Unidirectional system for internet access through satellite, which requires hardware components (Skystar2 PCI card or USB device, satellite antenna, etc.) and software components. The hardware part is :
- A computer, preferably with a minimum configuration of : 500-700 Mhz processor, 8MB video card, 128 MB of RAM. Any configuration that's more powerful than the previously mentioned, greatly increases the quality of the entire system.
- The DVB SkyStar 2 PCI card (or SkyStar 2 USB), being a TV-tuner with an internet accelerator included, permits, together with the purchase and installation of a satellite antenna, the viewing off all free-to-air radio stations and TV stations from all the available satellites, without no extra monthly subscription.
- There is also the possibility to connect several computers to the same satellite antenna, which is installed custom, depending on each consumer needs: fixed, mobile, different dimensions etc.
One way Satellite Internet. The Software part.
The software part is represented by a monthly subscription, and a collection of latest generation software, which offers the following services :
- Ultra-fast Internet. 500 MB of FAST SURF at speeds of over 512 Kbps, each month.
- 1 GB of monthly internet downloads from any other websites, or unlimited from agreed websites.
- 1000 updated software packages, MP3. video clips and games, at 2 Mbps guaranteed speed, offered free through the virtual software library.
- 1000 TV stations and radio stations (with mobile antenna)
- Music, sports and movies TV channels, including coded channels at 1 Mbps, with unlimited traffic.
- Unlimited access to the interactive online library, offered through the satellite, containing : music, movies, pay-per-view channels, games, software, adult channels, online betting etc.
- Permanent e-mail service, with an e-mail client and an e-mail account
- A free new movie, each week.
One way Satellite Internet. Various connection information
- The one way satellite system, greatly improves any existent internet connection (dial-up, cable, fiber optics) :
- At upload, beside the existent connection, the one way satellite system, creates a VPN (Virtual Private Networking) between the client and the satellite, which increases the data transmit speed very much.
- At download , the speed is 512 Kbps. On a normal dial-up connection, without the one-way satellite internet system, the transfer rate maintains itself around 1 - 4 KB/s, while with the one way system, the transfer speed rises to about 50 - 100 KB/s, depending on the coverage area and the quality of the satellite antenna (satellite dish). The overall system's quality increases very much, depending on the upload connection used by the customer. At the same time, the system offers the possibility for 95% of internet applications to be done without any prior connection to internet, including downloads, commands for the vast array of TV and radio channels, e-mails etc.
- Actually, a helping connection is necessary for upload only when you are browsing the internet , until the moment when you issue a download command, and the one way satellite internet system will transmit the solicited information off-line, no matter the requested file size ( limited to the subscription's traffic quantity, when the information is coming from websites, other than the agreed ones), moment in which you can turn off the helping upload connection.
- With the help of the one way system, we bring you satellite internet, anywhere, anytime.
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